Swapping In Clean Non-Toxic Beauty Products

ZOEVA Rose Gold Makeup Brushes | The Elgin Avenue Blog

On My Mind:

Non-Toxic Beauty

As a Questioner, I am ALL about information. I like to learn about things (frequently at length) before making a change or a decision.

One thing I’ve wanted to learn more about this year is clean beauty. Namely: beauty, skincare and even home products which are more ‘natural’, have less chemicals, and therefore overall are ‘better’ for us.

Right now I am in ‘research mode’ (for my fellow Questioners – can you relate?! ????) and so I am grateful to Chelsea, who is a lot more in the know about clean beauty than I am, for opening up her ‘virtual clean beauty cabinet’ for us to have a snoop around.

Here are a few of the brands, products and things to watch out for if you too are thinking of making the change to safe beauty products.

Chelsea’s product list below is golden.

If you have any non-toxic beauty recommendations, please leave them at the bottom of this post!

Over to Chelsea!

Love, Monica x

ZOEVA Rose Gold Makeup Brushes | The Elgin Avenue Blog

A Beauty-Lover’s Start Guide

To Clean Beauty

Can anyone else remember sitting in the bathroom watching their mother or grandmother get ready for the day?

It’s one of my fondest memories – kneeling besides my Meme at her vanity – touching her makeup brushes, applying lipstick when she let me, and falling in love with the act of a beauty routine.

Since that day, I’ve never been one to shy away from a makeup trend or skincare product. I’m an out and out beauty lover.

My medicine cabinet is one of my favorite nooks in my home. The beauty counters in department stores are a home away from home.

Which is why, when I started reading Geri Hirsch’s blog posts about the dangers of beauty products, I was horrified.

Freaked out, to be exact.

I felt completely duped – and scared.

“my rule now is: once I run out of a product,

I replace it with a safe version”

The facts aren’t fun, so fair warning, but as a previously naive makeup and beauty consumer, they were also life-changing.

Here are a couple that stood out:

  • In America, the last time the personal care industry was regulated (as in what ingredients can be included, what’s harmful, etc.) was in 1938. Some of those ingredients have been known to cause allergy, cancer, and birth defects.
  • Labeling something “natural” or “green” is branding’s way to trick consumers into thinking something is safe—which it usually isn’t. You have to check the label yourself. Here are some of the most harmful ingredients.
  • The EU banned chemicals known to cause birth defects and cancer from chemicals in 2003 – so for you ladies reading from those nations, you’re ahead! But, if you’re not sure where your products come from, check the label.

The good news is that with these shocking facts, beauty geniuses have brought clean, non-toxic beauty to the forefront. There are brands exploding with products that are not only safe, but they work. This wasn’t historically always true for clean beauty brands.  

My budget hasn’t allowed me to completely swap out every toxic product right away, but my rule is, once I run out of a product, I replace it with a safe version.

Here are some that I’ve been able to try and swap so far – and am LOVING . . . 

Chelsea’s Clean Beauty Product List


True Botanicals Hydrating Cleanser (great for acne prone skin), True Botanicals Eye Serum (super gentle), Henne lip balm and exfoliator, The Honest Company’s face oil, Primally Pure’s face serum and beauty cream (the smell takes time to get used to, but the products are worth it), Herbivore’s hydrating face mist and their Brighten Mask (the absolute best!)


RMS Living Luminizer (best highlighter EVER) and I also adore the brand’s concealer, Kosas lip colors, Vapour Organic Beauty Mesmerize Eyeliner, and W3LL PEOPLE mascara.


Primally Pure deodorant (I’ve tried dozens, and none compare to this), The Honest Company lotion (I love the lavender scent), All Good sunscreen, goop fragrance, Indie Lee body oil.



What’s Your Take? 

Are you jumping on the (smart) clean beauty train yet?

If so, which products should we try next?

Love, Chelsea x

Photography by Frances McMahon