I’m Wearing
Watch: Semi Precious Rose Gold Mesh by Olivia Burton
Does your head hit the pillow at the end of the day, only for you to realise that you’ve not taken a moment for yourself that day?
I’ve definitely been through seasons when this is the case.
It’s all too easy to sail through your routine, going through the movements of your commute, concentrating hard at work, before back to back Netflix episodes and then bed.
It was during one of my busiest work seasons that I realised I needed to reclaim some ‘me time’. We’ve all heard advice about looking after yourself, so that you can give to others – and it’s SO true.
You’re not your best self, in any sense – work, partner, friend – if you’re running on empty.
Whilst a two week holiday is LOVELY, and sometimes feels like the perfect antidote to a hectic schedule, in my experience a holiday is a quick-fix.
What’s really beneficial, and sustainable(!), is incorporating more ‘me time’ into EVERY day. So that when your holiday does come round (I’m so not cheating you of any beach time here!) you’ll be able to fully relax into it and enjoy it, rather than crashing.
As part of my work with Olivia Burton this year, I’m honouring Olivia Burton’s new Semi Precious collection – which is stunning – by sharing my tips for finding moments of ‘me time’ in a busy schedule, with you.
Olivia Burton’s semi precious range features three beautiful watches and two delicate necklaces, all featuring my favourite stone – rose quartz. The watches are crafted by layering a slice of real rose quartz over a sunray dial. The necklaces have a delicate rose quartz disc accented with Olivia Burton’s signature bee motif.
Rose quartz is known as the stone of love, its pale pink hue promotes positive vibes and carries a soft, feminine energy, channeling compassion and peace. Wearing both the necklace and the watch help to remind me of my commitment to honouring my ‘me time’ every day.
Here’s how I’m going about it, and how you can too . . . !
I’m Wearing
Necklace: Semi Precious 3D Bee Necklace by Olivia Burton
5 Ways To Find Moments of ‘Me Time’ In A Busy Schedule
1 – Take Your First Waking Hour For You
Aligning yourself first thing in the morning sets you up positively for your whole day ahead.
No matter what happens in the day post your one hour of ‘me time’, if you’ve had a time slot allocated just for you, you’ll feel energised, valued, and calmer.
This has been the biggest improvement I’ve made to my schedule ever. And now I protect that hour ferociously.
For me that first hour of the day means no phone use at all (I’ll be too tempted to check social media!), a quiet potter about the house, reading or catching up on a TV show I like, and maybe some breakfast and coffee.
Allocating that hour is such a simple addition to your routine. Plus I’ve found that the longer I practice this step, the better I feel. It’s cumulative!
Here are some tips for easing yourself into an earlier morning routine if you’re not naturally a morning person! As the summer season approaches, now is the perfect time to reclaim that hour – it’s not so taxing to wake up a little earlier when the sun’s already up!
The key here (other than mastering an earlier alarm ????!) is deciding what makes you feel good, and doing that in your hour. It’s your time.
Along these line I love this post from Alicia with 3 simple steps she’s incorporated into her morning routine since becoming a Mama. When your time is even more stretched, it’s so important to prioritise ‘me time’.
2 – Listen To A Podcast On Your Commute
Make the most of your journey to work! Your travel time needn’t be passive, you can use it to listen to a podcast for whatever purpose you choose! I personally like happiness-related, educational or entertaining podcasts.
I actively look forward to journeys now, as they give me an allocated slot of time to catch up on my favourite shows.
Here are my favourite podcasts right now:
Happier in Hollywood
Goal Digger Podcast
And if you don’t already listen, you can try listening to mine and Ella’s podcast: Let’s Discuss Show.
3 – Get Outside On Your Lunch Break And Practice Mindful Eating
When I worked in an office, I always made a point of getting outside on my lunch break.
It was my moment of ‘me time’ for stepping away from my desk, and getting some head space.
I still remember those lunch hours so clearly, which goes to show how present I must have been during them. This habit is something I need to work on now that I work from home . . . !
Getting outside on your lunch break acts as a natural ‘pause’ in your day. It helps you to stay more focused during your working hours, so that you’re more productive when you’re actually at your desk.
Plus, by getting away from your working environment, you’re more able to practice mindful eating. Mindful eating is simply being conscious of your food, really thinking about the flavours and what you’re enjoying, rather than rushing through something at your desk. It helps your body to acknowledge the meal you’ve eaten (thus reducing the likelihood of cravings later in the day), and well as allowing you to really enjoy your food. And who doesn’t want to do that?!
4 – Take A Walk When You Get Home
I’m currently in Menorca with my family and Oli, and one big difference I’ve noticed in the locals’ routines out here is taking an evening stroll. Often we’ll see three generations taking a wander together in the evening, and it’s a habit we’ve picked up too!
We love it!
With the summer coming (and/or a warm coat!) you can easily incorporate a short walk into your routine.
As this article by the Mayo Clinic shares, the benefits of walking every day are huge. It can not only improve your health, it can also improve your mood. I always feel perked up after a stroll.
5 – Swap A Netflix Episode For A Book
I joined a book club about seven months ago and it totally reinvigorated my love of reading.
A handful of times a week now – sometimes every night! – I swap a Netflix episode for reading a book. I don’t nix Netflix altogether (I LOVE my shows!) but swapping just one episode for some reading time makes a big difference.
Bonus – reading more helps me to sleep better too! Win/win!
If you’re in need of some book recommendations, Ella just posted a stellar list.
I’m so grateful to Olivia Burton for creating a collection all about the value of time. Time is one of our most valuable assets, and it’s wonderful to be able to wear a reminder of this. Especially such a gorgeous one!
Simple though it may sound, I’ve noticed that since wearing my rose quartz pieces, I’m even more conscious of connecting with my ‘me time’.
Peruse Olivia Burton’s semi precious collection here.
What’s Your Take?
I’d love to know how you prioritise your ‘me time’ in your busy schedule, and how you go about incorporating it into your daily demands?
Do you already do some of the things I’ve suggested? And what do you find most effective?
Love, Monica x
** This post is created in partnership with Olivia Burton **
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