1. Reach out to someone you admire
So often I see someone rocking it in their career, life, or even outfit(!) thinking to myself “wow you are awesome.”
Rather than admire from afar, I’m getting into the habit of reaching out to these people and letting them know how I feel.
Oftentimes people can progress without praise. I mean, they definitely won’t know how you feel unless you tell them! So reach out with a congratulations, a ‘hey I think what you’re doing is great’ email or simply ‘I like your dress’. Be the person that makes someone else’s day!
2. Cross of ‘that thing’ on your to-do list you’ve been dreading
I write a to-do list daily. Checking tasks off a list keeps me on track with my commitments. However, I am totally capable of leaving my least favourite tasks to stew at the bottom of a to-do list for weeks, only having to deal with it when the ‘dreaded task’ is likely WELL overdue.
Confront your least favourite task ASAP and a weight will be lifted off your shoulders.
I try to get any administrative tasks done at the beginning of the week, or in the morning, to allow myself fun creative tasks to look forward to.
Plus the ‘WORST task ever’ is often not nearly as bad as we build it up to be in our heads. Crack on with it and you’ll be surprised how quickly you get it done and how much better you feel for it!
3. Be active
We ALL know how important exercise and being active is for maintaining a healthy body and mind.
However . . .
As I write this post I can see a decidedly GREY day outside my window which ignites in me exactly ZERO excitement about heading out to exercise.
My advice if you’re just not feeling it?
Start slow and go for a walk.
Once you’ve found your feet you can build yourself up to being more active.
Go to a class. Get your sweat on. And reward yourself for doing something GOOD for you.
4. Set aside YOU time
I love time to myself. Time just for me, with a magazine, listening to playlists and painting my nails.
If you have a particularly hectic day ahead of you this week, make sure to take some YOU time the night before to unwind. Allow yourself to indulge in a pampering session, a lovely bath, or just a good book.
You’ll start the next day feeling great.
5 Organise a play date
It’s easy to forget to just have FUN.
With work commitments, and commutes and LIFE, events which are just for the hell of it can get pushed to one side.
This week book a PLAY DATE into your diary with your friends – be it bowling, the cinema, karaoke . . . whatever you fancy, send a text out and get a date in!
You can, and should, always make time to enjoy yourself. So do so. And don’t tell me you don’t have a better week for having split your sides laughing at your friends’ rendition of Bad Blood.
What’s Your Take?
What positive commitments are you making this week?
I’d love to know if you have your own thoughts on this!
Love, Monica x
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